- most sophisticated humidification system for cigars in the world
- Microprocessor controlled humidification unit
- Using the unique membrane – soft evaporation system, perfect for cigars
- Battery operated (lasts more than 2 years)
- Refilling dest. water only every 4 - 6 months
- Fits almost every humidor
- very simple to operate - only one button
- Humidity level can be adjusted between 55% and 75%
- All relevant data are displayed
- Unique feature: Display shows the condition of the cigar
- Made in Germany
- 3 years warranty
- Dimensions: 6 x 6,7 x 17cm
- Weight: 330g without, 550g with water
CigarSpa conditions up to 300 cigars. For humidors with more than two levels we
recommend CigarSpa + or CigarSpa PRO
Download CigarSpa Broschure (PDF-Format)

For humidors with 3 levels. CigarSpa+ consists of a normal CigarSpa, a ventilator and an individually designed airflow system. The permanent running ventilator circulates the air evenly into all levels.

In cabinets up to 170 cm and 8 levels CigarSpa PRO is used. CigarSpa humidifies the air, the permanent running ventilator blows the air behind the double back wall. From here it reaches every level with the same humidity.